Meakness is not weakness but is a gentle spirit. In Greek, the word denotes self-control and genuine humility.
Our family lived in the Epworth parsonage on Claire Drive in Atlanta from 1970 -1974. It is locatedin a neighborhood so beautiful in the springtime that a few years ago, in a spread about the Druid Hills area of Atlanta, National Geographic featured an aerial view of the area with the dogwoods in bloom.
I learned then and now that even when I do not find the time nor the garden space nor strength to make a flower garden, others do. So all of us are invited to share in the miracles and magic of Spring!
Spring Magic.
I took a walk one April day
The Earth had turned to Spring
When I saw the countryside
My heart began to sing!
When I remembered Jesus said:
“Blessed are the meek,
They shall inherit all the earth.”
Oh, Let me join the meek?
My first draft; daffodils profuse
Golden gems - that shine
They make of simple landscapes
A treasured flower mine.
Lavender blankets of “Thrift,”
With wild extravagancy
Had transformed barren slopes into
A Springtime canopy.
Tulips, pansies, hyacinths,
With rare perfume they bring
Glorious resurgence and
Priceless smells of Spring.
The Dogwood trees had written
A blank check from the sod.
I draw up close enough to see
The signature of God!
Oh, I don’t need a written deed
To claim my legacy
The flowering earth I hold in trust
All that I see...belongs to me!
By ruth baird shaw 1972
Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.~Stanley Horowith