Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Gospel of Judas

The Gospel of Judas , according to the hype, including a one-hour National Geographic TV spectacular and the help of the New York Y Times headline, "In Ancient Document, Judas minus the Betrayal." has re-surfaced.

Re-surpfaced is right. As Bible scholars and serious Biblical students know this "new gospel" is not a "long lost text" but a part of the Gnoisticism that was rejected as fiction as early as 180 A.D.

Gnosticism was an attempt to add to the sinplicity of Christianity another worldview ... an essentially Eastern worldview of mysteries that only "those with secret knowledge "could unravel.

In today's world, many people who have rejected historical truth seem to have once again become "taken in " with fictional Gnosticism works like The Da Vinci Code and The Gospel of Judas.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I dont recall hearing anything about the "gospel of Judas" until about a week ago. Your post was interesting to read.